Profile LM-014: Terpsichore

Owned by crystalpangolin



Terpsichore was born from the corpse of a Garden-King: a great sun who cultivated verdant gardens across his corner of the sky. He was murdered, but his gardens survived; Terpsichore spent the first years of her life exploring every inch of the wilderness he had created, though it had been left to grow out of control upon his death. Eventually, she couldn't stay any longer: it was changing too much, too fast, and the king was being forgotten. It hurt, so she packed her things and left.

She now travels the hidden and endless paths of the sky, carrying with her the story as she believes it to be true. With every telling it gets distorted, but to Terpsichore every new version or forgotten detail is just as real as the rest of it.


  • Unnatural Satellite [Event]
  • Plant Growth [Uncommon]
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing