Under This Starlight

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The late night sky, painted in dark hues of navy blue and sparkling with vague white glimmers of light, shone down bright upon the small luminite, awaiting his friend’s arrival. The smell of the ocean breeze below filled Spy’s senses as he sat atop the large building he had made his meeting spot with, well, him. He looked at the stars longingly, feeling his heartbeat quicken with each passing thought. What if Eon doesn’t come? Would he embarrass himself? God no…he can’t let that happen.

At least not tonight. Tonight was too important for that.

His face flushed a little, even shivering at the thought. Talking about feelings was never Spy’s strong suit, and a confession seemed like a bit of a nightmare. But there’s no delaying the inevitable. He might as well get it over with. He sighed as he continued to wait anxiously for Eon to show up, tapping his paws against the floor as he began to be consumed again by thoughts. Maybe he should just-


Spy’s ears shot up. He could recognize that voice from a mile away. He felt the color pink fill up his cheeks as he turned to greet the bouncing luminite.

“Sorry- Masky had to bring me back because I forgot my jacket…” Eon sat down next to Spy. “I hope waiting for me wasn’t too boring-”

Spy turned his face racked with nerves away. “Erm…no- no, it’s fine.” He tried to use one of his wings to subtly hide his face from Eon’s view.

Eon smiled, then his face lit up. “Oh! I almost forgot!” He pulled something out from behind him, a basket Spy hadn’t noticed before. “It’s for you- open it!” Eon looked at Spy with excitement, waiting for him to open the present.

Spy put his paw over the basket and unwrapped the gift inside. A small box of grape and apple juice boxes laid inside. 

“It’s for us to share!” Eon interjected. “You keep saying you get thirsty up here so now we can share drinks!” Eon stopped to think about what he had just said. “That sounds more serious than intended but- you get what I mean-” He snickers.

Spy awkwardly laughed back, still trying to hide how flushed he was at the moment. “Thank you…” He grabbed a juice box and opened it. “You…uhm…you always know how to make me smile-” Spy grinned softly.

Eon giggled and held his paw out to Spy’s, which made Spy’s blush even more noticeable than before. Eon looked to the sky. “The stars are really pretty tonight…”

The response “and so are you-” floated into Spy’s mind. He reddened at the mental image, and shook his head flustered. “Erm…yeah…they’re really nice…” God, if only this were easy. He felt his words lodged in his throat, trying to start the conversation. “...I…I-” He trailed off.

Eon turned his head and waited patiently for him to respond. “Yes?”

“I…I need to tell you that-” He swallowed. He couldn’t do this. His gaze switched to the floor. “Nothing…”

“Are you sure?” Eon tipped his head. “You look really nervous…”

“Mhm! Certain…” Spy gulped again.

Eon looked back at the stars, and Spy looked back at Eon. “Could you imagine if a luminite was born while we were talking?” Eon asked.

Spy blushed. “Well…statistically that’s basically inevitable- stars are born and die every minute so…” He looked away, trying not to go into a silly nerd ramble. “Yes…I guess I could imagine it-”

The look on Eon’s face went from curious…to longing. “Do you think there’s someone out there… who’s like me?”

Spy hesitated for a moment. “I’d hope so…”

Eon smiled. “It would be really cool to meet another of…uh…whatever luminite variant I am!”

Spy smiled back. “It would be really cool…” He looked at his paws. “Personally, I uhm…” He paused, then took a deep breath. “I think that…even if you don’t find anyone else like you- I think you’re cool as is-”

Eon blushed a little. “...You think I’m cool?”

Spy felt like he was going to faint. “Uhm…yeah…I do…” He shifted his gaze. “Some could even say you’re…more than that-”

Eon smiled and giggled. “I think you’re really cool too, Ellie…” He leaned in and laid his head on Spy’s shoulder. His voice became drowsy as his eyes fluttered shut.

Spy started to panic a little at the sudden gesture and felt his face redden again. Then, he took another deep breath. “I…I need to tell you that I lo-”

A small snore interrupted his words.

“Oh…” Spy said to himself. Eon had fallen asleep. “Maybe another time then-” He sighed and cuddled next to him and tried to sleep under the starlight too.

Another time…

Another time, maybe he’d find the words…

Another time, maybe he’ll get things right…

Another time, under this starlight.

Under This Starlight
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In General Prompt Gallery ・ By E0NBREAK

I'm gonna be honest I think I'm gonna explode from cringefail but ENJOY

Submitted By E0NBREAK for StargazingView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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