An interview with Aston

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“You want me to… what?” the crimson Luminite asked hesitantly. 


“Tell me about yourself!” the magenta Luminite cheerfully responded, pen in hand as they peered expectantly. 


“Um… such as?”


“Anything really. What do you like, what do you not like, introvert, extrovert, anything in between, anybody interesting you’ve met lately, any planets you’ve found intriguing, any secrets you’d like to share, everything and anything at all! I’m here to listen and record the tales of the various travelers of the universe, and you, my dear Aston, stand out to me.”


“Stand out? How so?”


They pout, wagging their pen at Aston.


“Hey I’m the one asking questions here~ but to answer your quick question before you start talking, you remind me of someone I used to know. Or at least, a memory of someone I used to know. After all, it’s our first time meeting, so we can’t have met before,” they hold a paw over their mouth to barely cover a chuckle.


“... Someone you used to know… Interesting.


Well, let’s start with the basics for an introduction. My name is Aston, a Luminite born from a dead star in a star system of, about a dozen planets or so? A good chunk of them had beautiful moons that orbited them, as well as having diverse civilizations that built long histories on their home- some being societies of violence and others being cultures of knowledge, and I…”


She sighs, looking down at her paws, lost in melancholic nostalgia, a soft smile tugging at the edge of her mouth. 


“Anyway, its destruction resulted in me, and I woke up in the darkness of space, only being able to see the faint shimmer of distant stars. Ever since then, I’ve been wandering through space trying to find other entities, whether it be to simply observe them or interact closer with them.


I’ve always considered myself to be an introvert and keep to myself, you know? If anything, I’d maybe try to blend in with a bigger crowd to see the specifics of the gathering, but if joining a group means that I’d be recognized and… known, I might as well stick to the sidelines and watch from afar, right? 


Though it seems that my methods don’t work all the time. After all, you’ve found me, haven’t you?”


She smirks at them, where they respond with a bigger smug smile.


“Well, I do pride myself on my determination to get what I want, so I’ll take that as a compliment~”


She laughs, “You seem nice, so sure, take that as a compliment. Um… what else would you like to know?”


“Hm… how about how you think?”


“... How I think?”


“Yes! Are you a logical thinker or an emotional one? People pleaser or stubborn? A strategizer or impulsive?”


“... This seems a bit in depth for an interview.”


“Well, this information is really only for myself, but don’t tell anyone I said that, hah. I like to get to know people, that’s all. And as I said, you’re interesting to me, and I think I’d like to know you better~ 


Maybe even join you in your space journey? You seem like you run into a lot of other interesting people.”


“Hah. Maybe. If anything you can accompany me until we reach the next Luminite civilization.


And… how I think. Maybe I get this from the cultures I once watched over, but I think I’m more of a rational thinker. Strategic in my plans and actions, and not too great at improvising, but if it comes to it, I’ll improvise. Won’t like doing it, but, it is what it is. I like planning things in advance and having enough backup plans to cover most potential timelines such that I don’t have to think of something in the moment. However, that might be one of my faults, really. Scratch that, definitely one of my faults, aha. 


At least I have others to rely on if- or when- things get tough.”


“Others? I thought you were traveling alone?”


“I was, at first. I’ve gotten a few new friends who I consider very close, and because of that, I’ve been traveling with them for the last… whatever amount of time. While I prefer being alone, having new perspectives can be really helpful, especially in order to pull me out of an… anxious spiral, in a sense. Not quite sure how to word it.”


“Mhm. So you’re saying that there’s a chance that I could travel with you?”


She chuckles, “I suppose so. I’d have to ask the others, but I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. You also seem… interesting to me.”


“Wonderful! Well, thank you for your time Miss Aston. Let’s hope we see each other again very soon, and hopefully become traveling partners,” they remark with a bright smile as their notebook clicks shut.


“Glad to have quenched your curiosity,” she answers with a genuine smile that she thought she forgot how to do.

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An interview with Aston
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In Event/Seasonal Prompt Gallery ・ By Schellis

Submission for the All About Me event prompt featuring my luminite Aston and a luminite I might create in the future.

Submitted By Schellis for ALL ABOUT ME!
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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