Festival of Lights Event Submission

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The festival of lights. A tradition to celebrate the stars that have given up their burning flame in order to bring about a new life, or the stars that continue to burn bright to support the millions of lives and societies upon an endless sea of planets. 


At least, that’s what she’s heard from hearing bits and pieces of conversations as she roams around Dioscenus. She wonders if the civilizations she watched over had similar traditions or celebrations about her. Of course, the Luminites would have a festival around the event of their own creation, but-




Was she even worth celebrating?


What if her creation was the reason their legacies have been- 




A large blue and white Luminite barrels towards her, nearly knocking her over before his wing reaches out to keep her from falling. He carries a small basket in his mouth, being careful not to knock it into her face. 


“Oh! Ah I uh oh um… hi.”


She looks up at the other Luminite, his smile feeling like it could illuminate the night sky. 


Well, the halo around his head probably adds to the imagery. The gold band slowly spins, parts of it reflecting in his eyes, the deep blue piercing her crimson ones. The breeze lightly ruffles his feathers, making them seem even more grand than they already are, being nearly as large as his already large frame, accompanied by two more softly glowing gold rings that sit around the second joint. 


She’s only been traveling with him for about a month now, but it feels like an eternity that she’s spent with him. 




She’s not quite sure why. She hasn’t even felt this way even with Cosmogaia, a Luminite who the group sees as a parental figure, the “leader” of the family, the one who brought them all together. Somehow, just the way he looks- whether he’s looking at her or not- just feels… comforting, in a way. Familiar, in another. 


“What do you have there?” She asks, finally bringing her attention to the basket in his mouth.


“A lil something~”


“A little something?”


“Yep! Lil something for the celebration.”


“The lantern one, right?”


“Yep! Lanterns. Which is what I have in here, actually.”


“Oh you, brought some? You didn’t need to, I was going to get some later-”


“There’s not going to be a later at this rate, you know.”


“... Well-”


“And it’s more fun to make them yourself. At least, that’s what other people say.”


“... Alright. You brought them anyway, let’s not make them go to waste.”


“Yep!” He smiles, keeping one wing extended over her shoulders, guiding her towards a more secluded area. Just past a grove of trees lies a low cliff overlooking the ocean, providing a scenic view of the vast seas under the stars. 


He sits down, handing her a blank lantern as he sets out some pens, scissors, and candles. 


“I think we’re supposed to like, draw or cut something on the lantern, and put the candle in the center to help let it fly.”

“Hm. Seems simple enough.”


“Well, let’s get started then! I think we only have an hour before we’re supposed to release them.”




The sun is completely gone, having dived beneath the waves long ago, leaving only the stars to watch over the Luminites below. 


“So… almost time for release.”




“What did you draw on yours?”


“A little symbol that I’ve been marking on planets that I've visited.”


“Ooh, pretty. What’s that on the other side?”


“Oh, nothing. Just some scribbles, that’s all-”


“Is that one of the eyes on my halo?”


“... Maybe.”




“Don’t ‘aww’ at me!”


“It’s cute!”


“No it’s not. What’s on yours?”


“Yes, it is. I tried to draw you.”


“... Me?”


“Yeah! And everyone else in the traveling party- well, ‘family’. I’ve got Cosmo here, Mellory there, Atom here…”


“... Is there a reason why I have a whole side to myself?”


“Well, you’re the most important.”


“... I am?’




“Even above Cosmo?”


“To me, yeah.”


“... Oh.”






The lanterns float through the air, slowly going higher and higher, creating a second blanket of stars above the ocean. 


Aston’s eyes are wide, mouth slightly agape, watching the lights lift into the air. Averys has a warm smile stretched across his face, eyes filled with wonder, watching the lights reflect off the waves. 


As she remains captivated by the festival, she doesn’t notice the glances he gives her way. There’s just something about her that just, picks his brain in the right way. Something just… familiar about her. Something that feels so close, and yet just out of his grasp. 


She matches his gaze. 


“Thank you.”

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Festival of Lights Event Submission
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In Event/Seasonal Prompt Gallery ・ By Schellis
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Submitted By Schellis for FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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