Explorer's Handguide


Welcome to the handy guide for all things Luminites!

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of Luminites society, let's learn about what exactly a Luminite is first.


Luminites are mysterious and ethereal creatures that are born after a star has died. Though it is unknown how exactly they were born or why, it is a studied phenomenon that Luminites tend to carry with them the knowledge, customs, and personality of the civilizations they once nurtured under the warmth of their burning sun.

Luminites carry with them traits of the star they once were in the form of black holes and stardust. It is also not uncommon to see a Luminite that possesses traits that reflect aspects of the societies that once lived under their care.

i. description

Luminites tend to have anatomy similar to that of a fox, but with a number of key differences. Though they tend to have thick yet coarse fur like a fox with long legs and bodies, they also have short snouts and a variety of different possible features. This makes them very distinct from the animals that we know on Earth!

They are primarily quadruped, but are able to alternate into a biped form at will. This allows them to navigate many different environments with ease. Whether a Luminite prefers being on all fours or only two legs is entirely up to them!

However, for consistency's sake, we require all MYO ref submissions to have a quadruped form. Thank you!

Though they may vary greatly in size, color, and looks, there are a few traits that are consistent across nearly all Luminites

  • 1. Fluffy Neck - Luminites have long, thick fur located primarily on the back of the neck and chest.
  • 2. Black Hole - Born from dead stars, Luminites carry a part of their dead star with them in remembrance. Black holes take on many different appearances! Black Holes are typically a dark color, but they do not have to be pure black. The surrounding colors of a black hole can be any color.
    • It's hypothesized that Black Holes are the core of Luminites mystical properties...
  • 3. Stardust Paws - Though it may be hard to see, all Luminites have paws made of stardust
  • 4. Stardust Trail - Any parts of a Luminite's body that holds stardust leaves behind a stardust trail
  • 5. Long Body - Luminites have quite long and lanky anatomy - primarily shown in their long bodies and legs. Their anatomy is comparable to that of a fox! Despite this, their snouts tend to be on the shorter side.
  • 6. Stardust Placement - Luminites have stardust located on the bottom of their tailinside of their earspaw pads, and horns on their head.
  • 7. Stardust (general) - Stardust may be made up of any colors or patterns that you see fit. Stardust that includes noticeably complex patterns (i.e. scenery) are, however, an uncommon trait (This point is not on image above).
  • 8. Black blood The blood of a Luminite is pure black, just like the event horizon of their black hole!

Though Luminites are, on average, incapable of flight, they can hover above ground. Along with this, they possess a unique ability to use their stardust to hold and move objects.

ii. ecology and behavior

Much like humans, Luminites have a wide array of personalities, likes, dislikes, and interests. They are fully sentient and intelligent beings with complex interpersonal relationships. They are consistently shown to be very social creatures that thrive off of community and connection, always seeking a sense of belonging and harmony with fellow Luminites. Perhaps these are the left-over feelings from the societies their stars once harbored.


Luminites are, in a sense, nomads. After being born, they tend to go from place to place, exploring the vastness of space along the way. As stated before, though, not all Luminites are like this. In fact, there are a handful of different clusters where groups of Luminites live in harmony.

These clusters are comprised of Luminites that all live together in a single area. They may have individual homes, buildings, customs, and cultures that they are accustomed to and base their society around. Essentially, they function much like humans do in towns, communities, states, or countries!

There are many different clusters varying in size, but there are 3 most notable ones. They typically inhabit abandoned, deserted, or uninhabitable planets as they do not need the same resources for life that, say, living beings on Earth do.


Luminites possess a unique ability within space. They are able to create long, winding stardust bridges made with the remains of stardust particles that are floating aimlessly around space.

These bridges may be of any color and connect planets, solar systems, galaxies - the entirety of space itself - with each other. It's the physical manifestation of Luminites community that spans even throughout the vastness of space.

These bridges are the primary mode of transportation for Luminites.

If you'd like to learn more about the world(s) that Luminites reside in, feel free to explore the tabs on the lefthand side!