Site News

1 Year ANNIversary

Posted 1 week ago :: Last edited 1 week ago by gerard



Thank you all so much for the amount of love, attention, and feedback this species has received over the past year! I truly could not be happier about how things turned out and I'm eternally grateful for each and every one of you and the love and care you provide our silly species.

As a thank you for being here with us for the past year, we've released special (free) ANNIversary gift boxes that you can purchase in the event shop!

You can purchase here!

We have also made it so mythical traits will be restocked monthly with a stock of 15 traits and a purchase limit of 1 per user!
Er.. We're still not sure how exactly it'll work yet, so we'll see next month! Regardless, keep your eyes open for it!


Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by gerard




Within the cold of the winter season, the warmth all Lumis need to thrive can be found within the comfort of their love towards each other. Whether that be romantic, platonic, familial, or something outside of it, now is the time for Lumis all over the galaxy to show their appreciation for one another!



All prompts for the Valentine's Day event allow either art or writing submissions. Prompt rewards include:


For every day of Valentine's Day, a special box will be available in the Daily Gachapon for you to open and receive a random prize! Prizes per box may include:

💘 Updates and info 💘

We have a new site theme inspired by Valentine's day! This will be the default theme throughout the rest of the Valentine's Day event. You may change your site theme in your profile settings.

  • Sorry for the smaller event than usual! We're all kind of tired, burnt out, and super busy! Still, we hope you have a lovely time celebrating the season of love with your Lumis!


We hope you all have fun!
We encourage you to join our Discord for faster communication, updates, information, and regular giveaways.


Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by gerard

Guys pretend like I didn't just accidentally delete the entire Stellaestum event post. If you see this..No you didn't.


Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by gerard




As the world gets colder and the skies grow darker, Luminites continue to find warmth and comfort within the bonds they’ve formed with each other over the past seasons of festivities, celebration, and excitement.

The Star-Snow Festival is celebrated all across the universe, with each cluster adapting its own traditions. The most notable of them being Pleiades, which, with its large population, is the most known for going all-in on the Star-Snow Festival, with the season to match! (To be fair, when is Pleiades NOT going all-in on the celebrations?)

Now is the time for Luminites to reflect on their time here after their birth as they fully appreciate the friends they have made and prepare for all there is to come!



All prompts for the Star-Snow Festival event allow either art or writing submissions. Prompt rewards include:

  • Special collectible items that you can give to your Luminite to hold
  • QuBits (amount varies depending on complexity/amount of effort put into your prompt submission)


For every day of this event, you'll be able to access a new activity area! Once the event has ended, this activity area will be inaccessible until next year. Within the areas you may find:


As with the previous event, the Star-Snow Festival event will also feature special event traits!

You may find the traits featured under the VISUAL TRAIT GUIDE (please click on a trait for more information)

To use these traits, you need to achieve the corresponding item. The description of each trait says what item you need to gain access to it. Items can be achieved through a number of ways:


We have also added a new site theme which is Winter themed! This will be the default theme throughout the rest of the Star-Snow Festival event. You may change your site theme in your profile settings.

We will be changing the resale price of collectibles from 50 QB to 20 QB to adjust for Lumiflation. You may still sell collectibles in user shops for as much as you'd like, though!

We'd also like to apologize for how late this event ended up being. I, ryder/gerard, developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and have been unable to maintain stable activity levels due to wrist pain and treatments.
We initially had a lot more we wanted to do for this event, but my health troubles ended up holding that back. Hopefully my normal activity will be able to resume soon, but in the meantime, we hope you have fun!


We hope you all have fun!
We encourage you to join our Discord for faster communication, updates, information, and regular giveaways.


Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by gerard


Hello everyone! I hope you're all excited for the holiday season!

First, let's go over the biggest change to our website recently...


Since there are so many users who do not currently use the Discord, we thought it would be beneficial to introduce FORUMS!

Let's go over what you can do!


Forums are, as the name implies, forums! If you are familiar with them. Essentially, there are a collection of topics you can create a new thread under. Threads allow you to choose something to talk about! 
More specifically, using forums, you can:

  • Trade your Luminites, items, and much more!
  • Discuss and develop your characters
  • Participate in forum games
  • Find people to do art trades with
  • Discuss the species as a whole

And much more!

Please remember that when using our forums, you must adhere to our Terms of Service
You may not discuss anything inappropriate for a PG-13 audience and you must be respectful to your fellow forum users.

Keep in mind that forums are optional and not a required part of participating on the site, but if you'd like to interact with your fellow users, go right ahead!
You may find the forums within the navbar next to gallery.



Along with that, we also have some other minor site updates and news to share!

  • Shop has been removed from the WORLD category and may now be found under BROWSE
  • Inbox and wishlist have been removed from the WORLD category and may now be found under your username in the top right



December is coming up, which means it's almost time for the Winter season! To celebrate, we will be hosting a relatively large event called the STAR-SNOW FESTIVAL.

Let's take a peek at what's in store:

As the world gets colder and the skies grow darker, Luminites continue to find warmth and comfort within the bonds they’ve formed with each other over the past seasons of festivities, celebration, and excitement.


The Star-Snow Festival is celebrated all across the universe, with each cluster adapting its own traditions. The most notable of them being Pleiades, which, with its large population, is the most known for going all-in on the Star-Snow Festival, with the season to match! (To be fair, when is Pleiades NOT going all-in on the celebrations?)


Now is the time for Luminites to reflect on their time here after their birth as they fully appreciate the friends they have made and prepare for all there is to come!

Thank you all for your continued support and interest in our species!


We hope you all have fun!
We encourage you to join our Discord for faster communication, updates, information, and regular giveaways.


Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by HiMERU

Happy (almost) Halloween Luminite nation!

To celebrate the season, we have planted ONE special bucket somewhere on this site! This bucket is different from the other ones that you may have seen on the site before, make sure not to miss this one since it contains a lot of never before seen goodies!

The bucket looks almost the same as the normal candy one (seen below)! Except, it's a different color. You'll know it when you see it!

Candy Bucket

This special bucket will dissapear in 48 hours, so you better find it!

In our discord server you can find many different hints to where the other buckets are! So if you are struggling with finding them, you should consider joining our discord and just in case you haven't seen, we also have an adopt raffle going on right now! You can read more about that HERE.

With that said, good luck!



Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by gerard

Hello, Luminite nation! We have currently put into action our first ever raffle adopt batch!
Designs will be made by various members of the staff team and our current guest artists! The adopts will all contain various traits (including limited event ones) and rarities!

Essentially, how it works is that you'll fill out the form to enter, which is completely free!
Then, on November 1st, we will roll the designs in our Discord server.
If your name is rolled, you will be sent a $25 invoice. Once you pay, the design you rolled will be sent to you and will be officially yours!

If you do not pay within 24 hours, the design will be re-rolled. You may put the design up for trade after you receive them if you don't want them, but you may not request a re-roll. Designs will be a surprise until the day of the rolls <:o)

You do not have to be a member of our Discord server to enter. You will merely just be sent the invoice then have the design transferred to you on-site after sending the payment. We, however, still encourage you to join the Discord, as we host free raffles (design and item),  polls, and make lots of important announcements!



Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by gerard


What secrets lie within the forgotten woods of Pleiades...?


Though Pleiades is renowned moreso for its sunny skies and luxurious beaches, it's no secret that the northern parts of the cluster hold dense woods with mysterious secrets.

Night of Haunts is an event hosted by the citizens of Pleiades celebrating community, entertainment and honoring the ones who once lived on this planet and the secrets they've left behind!



All prompts for the Night of Haunts event allow either art or writing submissions. Prompt rewards include:

  • Special collectible items that you can give to your Luminite to hold
  • QuBits (amount varies depending on complexity/amount of effort put into your prompt submission)
  • Candy - a special currency just for this event that you'll be using to purchase special items!


For every day of this event, you'll be able to access a new activity area! Once the event has ended, this activity area will be inaccessible until next year. Within the areas you may find:


For every day of this event, you'll be able to dig through the site to find candy! The candy will be hidden within buckets that are hidden throughout the site.

  • Candy amounts will vary randomly, typically between 50-150
  • Buckets will be re-hidden in new spots every other day
  • Buckets may be found anywhere on the site besides MYO and user profiles. They, however, may be found on NPCs and team member profiles!
  • Please do not reveal the location of the candy buckets to other users! This keeps it fair and fun for everyone. They won't be hard to find, I promise :o)

The candy bucket looks like this, so keep your eyes peeled!


As with the previous event, the Night of Haunts event will also feature special event traits!

You may find the traits featured under the VISUAL TRAIT GUIDE (please click on a trait for more information)

To use these traits, you need to achieve the corresponding item. The description of each trait says what item you need to gain access to it. Items can be achieved through a number of ways:


We have also added a new site theme which is Autumn themed! This will be the default theme throughout the rest of the Cozy Autumn Cafe event, which will continue throughout the duration of this event through November. You may change your site theme in your profile settings.

The event shop art has been updated! It was drawn by the lovely thembodino


We hope you all have fun!
We encourage you to join our Discord for faster communication, updates, information, and regular giveaways.


Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by gerard


I wanted to notify site members that we've opened applications for guest artists!

This will allow you to design and sell adopts and designs for Luminites for 2 months.

If you are accepted, it is MANDATORY that you join the Discord server. This is how we will keep in contact with you!



We have added a lot of things to the site! Please keep in mind some of these may have errors or bugs as they are currently WIPs. If you find one not addressed below, please send a bug report or notify us in the Discord's help channel.

  • Foraging has been renamed to activity
  • Bobbing for apples has been added to the activity area. It uses 0 stamina, but costs 400 QuBits for one bob! 
    • It functions similarly to a gacha. You can receive nearly any item from this current event, MYO slots, or rare/uc/myth traits!
  • User shops have been added. You may sell items from your inventory or sell commissions in your own personal user shop!
    • User shops may be found under "browse"
  • Birthday gifts have been added. At the first of every month, you'll receive a birthday gift box!
    • At the very least, your birth month must be public to receive your gift. If your birthdate/month is not public, you will not receive it.
    • If your birthday is in October, let me know and I'll manually send you your box! We implemented it 1 day too late ahaha. You must have your birthdate public.

We have also added a few other extensions that are not in use at the moment. If you see anything related to them... Pay no mind ':^D We'll flesh them out at a later date! 


We encourage you to join our Discord for faster communication, updates, information, and regular giveaways.


Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by gerard


Step into a taste of Autumn - no matter where you are!


The seasons have changed in Pleiades. Stellaestum and the summer solstice have ended, bringing life to the rural outskirts of Pleiades as the leaves change into a warm colorful array to prepare for the Winter to come.

Take the edge off your busy life to stop by the cafe and enjoy the seasonal wonders that Fall brings with it!



All prompts for the Cozy Autumn Café event allow either art or writing submissions. Prompt rewards include:

  • Special collectible items that you can give to your Luminite to hold
  • QuBits (amount varies depending on complexity/amount of effort put into your prompt submission)


For every day of this event, you'll be able to access the special foraging areas! Once the event has ended, these foraging areas will be inaccessible until next year. Within the areas you may find:

  • QB amounts up to 10
  • Special event traits
  • Special event collectibles
  • Special event boxes that you can open to receive collectibles (or, more rarely, a pet!)


As with the previous event, Cozy Autumn Café will also feature special event traits!

You may find the traits featured under the VISUAL TRAIT GUIDE (please click on a trait for more information)

To use these traits, you need to achieve the corresponding item. The description of each trait says what item you need to gain access to it. Items can be achieved through a number of ways:


I'll also take this time to provide a relevant update!
The Water Replacement trait has now been changed to Liquid Replacement, allowing you to choose a liquid of your choice (within reason) to use instead of merely just water! This item will now be associated with this seasonal event instead of Stellaestum.
The puddle item has been changed to the espresso item to accompany this change.

I'd also like to add that more items, prompts, pets, and/or possibly games may be added to this event as time progresses. 
The Halloween event will be available mid/late October to November.

QuBit prices for all items have been increased to adjust to the ease of gaining QB. I had never intended them to stay so low for so long, I honestly just forgot until people started mentioning it haha! USD prices will stay the same as prior, however :)
Thank you all for your understanding and patience! Have a good day and have fun! :^D


We hope you all have fun!
We encourage you to join our Discord for faster communication, updates, information, and regular giveaways.