Human. Relinquish the Totem of Entropy. Do not relinquish it, and your ass is MINE. Do it, and, I promise -- on my honor! -- your suffering will at last finally end. (2001aso's Fruiting Chicken)

Human.  Relinquish the Totem of Entropy.  Do not relinquish it,  and your ass is MINE.  Do it, and, I promise -- on my honor! -- your suffering will at last finally end.

Attached to LM-173: SUM

Thumbnail for LM-173: SUM

Collect drops (Seeds)

Drops every month.

This pet produces these drops, based on their type of pet and/or variant:

Reward Quantity
No drops available for this pet.

This pet has 2 batches of drops available.
This pet's next drop(s) will be available to collect 2 weeks from now.