Colony inside Anstar
Can be home to both users and characters.
Primarily made up of temperate forests and mountain ranges, Dioscenus has a relatively cool and dry climate. Polistri itself is surrounded by scenery of all different kinds; something that further draws Luminites to its land.
To the north, you will find relatively thin deciduous forests that extend to the coast of Anstar. These woods have been marked with various popular walking trails that lead you right toward the coast. To the southern and western border, you will find the Adeiazo mountain range. Decorated with abandoned settlements, the Adeiazo Mountains is an incredibly popular tourist destination for any Luminites looking to get a taste of civilizations long past.
Polistri is the unofficial (but socially recognized) capital of Anstar. With its bustling and homey environment, tourists and Luminites looking to settle somewhere are unsurprisingly drawn to this incredibly large and captivating city. Though its buildings are more simple compared to other colonies for the sake of practicality, they still hold inspiration from the Greco-Roman style architecture.
Polistri is the most technologically advanced city in all of Antar. This, however, isn't saying much, as Antar isn't very technologically advanced beyond being in the beginning stages of the industrial revolution.
Polistri, and thus Dioscenus as a whole, are also where Stellaestum is held every year!
Due to Dioscenus's main focus being on festivals and partying, it has gained quite the reputation of being a place full of nothing but party animals. This has made them subject to scorn from neighboring colonies for being too carefree and lax in their efforts to keep the peace.
Most residents of Dioscenus dislike telling on each other and will let bad behavior slide with nothing but a slap on the wrist in favor of keeping the peace. This has repeatedly led to conflict not only from neighboring colonies, but within the colony itself.
Despite these troubles, Dioscenus is widely considered to be a safe place to live. With bustling city and night life, and a welcoming yet tight-knit community, it's no wonder why so many Luminites flock to this colony for a place to call home.