Colony inside Anstar
Can be home to both users and characters.
Potae is the northernmost colony in Anstar, making it incredibly cold and often deemed as unsuitable for living by many Luminites. Undeterred by the climate, though, many Luminites have taken a liking to the beautiful sights this colony has to offer.
Made up of mountainous terrain, rolling hills, and thick coniferous forests, Potae stays lush all year - even with the chill the Cold Season brings. Its home to the northern part of the Adeiazo mountain range and the highest point in all of anstar - Mount Canistone. It has become a tradition among daring travelers to try and scale this mountain with the intent of leaving their mark at the top - a statement to Luminites everywhere of their conquest of such an audacious task.
Not only does Potae harbor gorgeous lake and mountain views, it also contains countless remnants of archaeological finds within the depths of the forests. From ruins of homes and towns to mysterious murals and paintings, Potae is every curious Luminites biggest dream!
Perhaps it's true that Potae's geography is not best for settlement, however, it's a no-brainer that the towering mountains, dense forests, and captivating mysteries are a major draw for tourism.
Lacking in any major town or city, Potae's major draw is that of tourism. They prioritize marketing themselves to Luminites from all over as a wonderful place to explore and relax in. From thermal baths to mountain hikes, research expeditions to star-skating, Potae is never lacking in something new to do or interesting to find.
Potae is known as one of the major locations for ruins and artifacts. It's suspected that this location may have been more temperate than it is now, and anstar may have been subject to an ecological disaster in the past that drastically altered its climate - perhaps even wiping out the beings that came before the Luminites.
Many Luminites that study past, non-Luminite societies are often drawn to Potae to learn about the residents of anstar's past. The most famous location within Potae is located within the southernmost corner to the east, just brushing against the border of Tacus. There lies a large series of stone ruins - complete with preserved artifacts of food, homes, extinct creatures, and much more.
The more scientific of Potae frown upon its turn towards tourism, believing these locations to be sacred and not for frivolous tours filled with half-interested Luminites.
Star-skating is an activity coined by the residents of Potae.
When the Cold Season begins and the lakes begin to freeze over, Luminites will glide across the ice, propelling themselves with the stardust on their paws.
Though this activity is considered a bit advanced for some, it has become somewhat of a competitive sport within certain circles in Potae.