Multiple Eyes (MYTHICAL)
Must have at least 3 or more eyes to count
Multiple Tails (MYTHICAL)
Tails can be of any other trait as long as you have the corresponding MYO slot/trait item for that rarity!
You may have 2 or more tails!
Stardust Container Tail (MYTHICAL)
A simple-shaped tail that contains stardust!
Shaped Black Hole (MYTHICAL)
A black hole that takes on any shape except for a circle
Light Black Hole (MYTHICAL)
A black hole that is made of a light/pastel color
Multi-Form (MYTHICAL)
Does not allow you to change the color of your Luminite, just the traits presented!
Stardust Wings (MYTHICAL)
Wings may either be partially or entirely made of stardust
Multiple Wings (MYTHICAL)
Wings can be placed on any location on the body
Liquid Replacement (MYTHICAL)
It seems a small part of this Luminite’s body has been replaced with liquid! Liquid may be anything within reason. Be appropriate, please.
May only take up to about 30% of the body. No more than that.
Food Replacement (MYTHICAL)
This Luminite has parts of their body made of food! Just... Try not to eat them.
May only take up to about 30% of the body. No more than that.
Food replacement parts may either replace entire parts of the body (like stardust replacement) or be a food-related add-on (like the whipped cream dallop in the example)
Water Container Tail (MYTHICAL)
This tail is a container filled with water! The water may be of any color.
Can also contain small aquatic animals like fish
Container Replacement (MYTHICAL)
It seems part of this Luminite's body has been replaced with a clear container!
May only take up to about 30% of the body. No more than that.
Container may hold any sort of inanimate object, liquid, or items. Be sure to follow our rules and keep it safe and reasonable!
Antimatter Stardust (MYTHICAL)
A strange and captivating form of stardust that is dark yet sparkling and surrounded by a glowing silhouette.
It may be combined with the Stardust Replacement trait.
Doll Body (MYTHICAL)
This Luminite has the ball joints of a doll!
Plush Body (MYTHICAL)
This Luminite's body is soft and covered in stitches, just like a plush!
Head Replacement (MYTHICAL)
This Luminite's head is replaced with a non-sentient object.
May be any object within reason. Ears and stardust horns are optional!