Short Anatomy (RARE)
Instead of typical long and lanky anatomy (like a fox), your Luminite will have short anatomy (like a cat or small dog)
Simple Particles (RARE)
Floating particles surrounding the Luminite comprised of simple shapes
Multi-Form (MYTHICAL)
Does not allow you to change the color of your Luminite, just the traits presented!
Stardust Wings (MYTHICAL)
Wings may either be partially or entirely made of stardust
Multiple Wings (MYTHICAL)
Wings can be placed on any location on the body
Liquid Replacement (MYTHICAL)
It seems a small part of this Luminite’s body has been replaced with liquid! Liquid may be anything within reason. Be appropriate, please.
May only take up to about 30% of the body. No more than that.
Drippy Stardust (RARE)
This Luminite's stardust is drippy - just like it's made of liquid!
Can apply to any Stardust located on the body.
Foamy Stardust (RARE)
This Luminite's stardust is foamy, making it appear wispy and cloud-like!
Can apply to any Stardust located on the body.
Foam may be stylized into shapes - You may also make the wisps as large or small as you please!
Food Replacement (MYTHICAL)
This Luminite has parts of their body made of food! Just... Try not to eat them.
May only take up to about 30% of the body. No more than that.
Food replacement parts may either replace entire parts of the body (like stardust replacement) or be a food-related add-on (like the whipped cream dallop in the example)
This Luminite has scales like a fish or reptile!
May not take up more than 50% of the body.
Celestial Halo (UNCOMMON)
A halo that can look like any celestial body of your choosing.
May only be placed above or behind the head.
Fish in Stardust (RARE)
Now how did those get in there…?
Fish may be of any size or appearance as long as they are fish. May also be present in the "water replacement" trait.